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Monday, September 13, 2021

09-12-2021-2304 - artificial ovaries ovary 1990s



The ground work for the development of the artificial ovary was laid in the early 1990s.[34]

Reproductive age patients who develop cancer often receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which damages oocytes and leads to early menopause. An artificial human ovary has been developed at Brown University[35] with self-assembled microtissues created using novel 3-D petri dish technology. In a study funded and conducted by the NIH in 2017, scientists were successful in printing 3-D ovaries and implanting them in sterile mice.[36] In the future, scientists hope to replicate this in larger animals as well as humans.[9] The artificial ovary will be used for the purpose of in vitro maturation of immature oocytes and the development of a system to study the effect of environmental toxins on folliculogenesis.

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